Place of Power

When I trace back through the moments that led me to Zurich (coincidentally during the 500th anniversary of the Reformation) it feels very much as though I was led to the land where Emma Kunz’s work began and continues to resonate. It was not a religious journey although it was – as are most things in my life – a very spiritual one.

In December 2016, while I was recuperating from surgery in Los Angeles, I had the fortune of reading a quote about Emma Kunz that was affixed to the side of a grotesque installation at MOCA Grand Avenue by an artist I do not remember. Amidst the savage depiction of human horrors in the background, the description of this 20th century healer and artist captivated me. Numerous google searches yielded little information other than a catalogue of her drawings, some repetitious blog posts, and the website/address of the Emma Kunz Zentrum in Würenlos, Switzerland.

As the year progressed, I found myself repeatedly drawn to that website in the hopes of finding more information. I longed to see the images in person. Emma proclaimed that “my pictures are for the 21st Century,” which means we live in the era when the wisdom she embedded into each drawing can begin to be understood and, more importantly, applied:

The drawings of Emma Kunz are models of her consciousness: models of the results of her researches. They are models and plans, not only in this specific sense, by virtue of the fact that they are works of art, but also – and self-evidently – in the manner of their presentation. (Szeemann, Harald. p. 80)

At the Emma Kunz Museum, I stood mesmerized by the large-scale drawings on display: “How did a drawing take shape? It invariably started with a question.” Emma had clients throughout her lifetime who helped guide her responses to questions of health, life, and culture and resulted in a wide range of geographic images drawn out on graph paper. She referred to her own drawings as holograms that acted in accordance with Universal Laws:

The drawings observe a law that can be summarized as follows: a  specific structure of relationships, based on constant points, can generate a multitude of entirely different forms. (Meier, Anton. p.28)

Emma Kunz stated: “Everything happens in accordance with a specific system of law, which I feel within me, and which never allows me to rest.” Although she remained in Switzerland for the duration of her life, the path she followed led her to interact with villagers and heads of state alike who sought her out for her wisdom and ability to articulate the proper activities needed to bring about harmony and healing.

The discovery of the healing properties of Aion A at the quarry in Würenlos coupled with her own scientific research and work as a healer who interacted with various bodies/conditions led to the founding of a center that continues to display her artwork and allows public access to the natural healing energies onsite.

Emma’s use of Aion A later in life only served to strengthen her ability to respond to clients as she now had a tool that could augment the powers she had always harnessed through her own methodologies. This rock that had been mined for hundreds of years possesses healing properties that “act not only on the physical body – as in the restoration of mineral balance – but also on the subtle bodies: etheric (blue), bioenergetics (yellow), and spiritual (red).” Emma explained that the Grotto where visitors can immerse themselves in Aion A’s power has “vibrations that could heal not only the physical body but also the three subtle levels that mantle the human form.”

As with Emma’s drawings, this interlude that led me across the ocean is only a small part of a larger story that I’ve yet understand in its entirety. One day it will make sense. For now, I continue to seek out the mysteries that guide my studies and travels.

*All quoted text taken from Emma Kunz monograph.